If you look for these words in the wordbook, you'll only find 〈doja〉. But there's more going on here. In fact, there's at least four forms of this 'word', and each mean something a little different.
This is that nice, prim, proper form of the word. It be used as a greeting, but it is primarily used to refer to the concept of welcomeness, and is the form used as an adjective, and even verbs. This is how the word will be found in any of calvic's wordbooks.
The form used in casual talk. This is the form you will get if you join the discord linked on the main page. Other forms include: дуј (duj), дој (doj), ој (oj), оя (oja). This is where it's likeness to the exlcaimation "oi!" becomes apparent
Unlike the rest of them, this serves as an exlaimation of disbeleif at something experienced. This is similar to the interjective "What?" or "I beg your pardon?". This can be used also as a generic type of question when you don't know which one to ask. I would reccomend reading the article on questions before using this.
Goodbye! Yes, this word can be seen as an opposite to duje. Oter forms include: дея (deja), деё (deje), дај (daj), даә (dajo).
Дуё (duje) |
Доя (doja) |
Диә (dijo) |
Дая (daja) |
Hello! | welcome | What? | Goodbye! |